PRISM - The Primary Registry for Interplanetary Species and Machinery — Originally started as a centralized registry, this informational database quickly expanded into all areas of FPSA life and is now used for communication, news, business, personal life, information gathering, space travel, legal actions and more. In recent decades, the use of PRISM terminals and lately, portable PRISM devices became more prevalent. These devices are now installed on all ships and in most businesses, and function control points and quick access to the PRISM network.
FPSA or Four Planet System Alliance — The term used for the alliance between Meron, Tiaria, Paradain and Altara. The fifth planet in the star system, Drakash, was excluded from the System Alliance after the Great Guild War of 3854.
IHC or Interplanetary High Council of the Four Planet System Alliance — The governing body of the FPSA. Each planet votes for one representative to join the Council. The Council votes for one additional member to be chairperson. The IHC decides on all rules and regulations concerning the wellbeing of the entire star system and can call upon joint military forces of all combined planets. It was established after the end of the Great Guild war to prevent future escalations. Currently, the IHC has a human majority.
The Grand Assembly of Guilds — The governing body for all guild-related matters. Some say that the Great Assembly has more power than the IHC since its regulations affect citizens in their daily business. With the Merchant Guild’s powerful stranglehold on commerce and travel, some see the Merchant Guild Overlord, who also is the Assembly Speaker, as the most powerful person in the FPSA. However, the Assembly currently has 489 members and is infamously indecisive.
Altara - The oldest civilization in the FPSA. Altarans are slender with pale or light purple skin and can withstand freezing temperatures. Altara is a monarchy, but their main guild, the Assassins, has almost equal power and influence.
Drakash - A tribal civilization with warring factions constantly vying for planetary control. Drakash are fierce warriors, most standing close to seven feet tall and feature bulky, muscular body with a rigid head plate. Drakash main export is mercenaries and the Blood Warriors are the most famous ones.
Meron I or simply Meron- The human homeworld. Antia is the capital and is governed by the Merchant Guild. The Merchant’s headquarter can also be found here, which makes Antia the commercial center of the FPSA. Meron I has three moons, Meron II, II and IV.
Paradain - The first human settled planet was originally only a temple site for the Altaran faith of Shalii. Kaldovia is the capital and largest city and is directly governed by the Merchant Guild.
Tiaria - Homeworld of the Tiari, a reptilian race known for its love for beauty and aesthetics. Tiaria is a constitutional monarchy. Tiari are skilled artisans in all aspects, like shipbuilding, jewelry, and technology. Their main export is artificial replacements and body enhancements like bionic eyes and limbs for enhanced performance. They also produce PRISM terminals.
Vortex gate — A wormhole access point. All planets have at least one Vortex gate, with many more scattered around the system. After the Great War, the Merchant Guild enhanced the Vortex network with stronger gates, improved maps and control mechanism such as guard towers and shut off functionality.
Author Christian Reich
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